The struggles of a Game Master trying to run a serious tabletop RPG with not-so-serious players. A short joke comic evolved into a longer running fantasy fun adventure.
One of the comics you can read in the Fierce Ferret Insider.
Main Characters
- Luke Greyfox (DM)
- Sariel Silvermoon (player)
- Volstag Thundertusk (player)
- Roland Reekleaf (player)
- Morgan Côté (player)
- Rory Borealis (player)
Side Characters
- Shikoba (player)
- Ezekial Embermane
- Paul the Beholder
- Aaron Narvahl
- Fizbo Fizzbang
- Purrtricia the Great Paw of Justice
- Joriver Jokestar
- Dionysus
- Kizzus
- Jenningsworth
- Godfried Gearhead Flangeheart
Guest Characters
- Twitch Raffle Cameo strip 22
- Twitch Raffle Cameo strip 55
- Moderator Cameo | Ebon_Scale strip 65
- Moderator Cameo | Ginzy Graves strip 88
- 2018 Kickstarter Cameo Arc | Gamergrill strips 127-132
- 2018 Kickstarter Cameo Arc | Funklestiltskin strips 134-139
Coming Soon
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